When you make a gift to the ATJ Campaign, 100% of your donation for statewide current operations will be distributed to support civil legal aid to low-income families throughout Michigan. Your gift changes lives.

Planned Giving Options

Planned giving allows you to make a significant contribution to the Access to Justice Campaign through your estate plan or other financial instruments. These gifts often come from assets that might otherwise be subject to estate taxes, providing you with tax benefits while ensuring that your support extends beyond your lifetime.

Why Consider Planned Giving?

Planned gifts offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Tax Advantages: Many planned gifts provide significant tax benefits, including income, estate, and gift tax deductions.
  • Flexibility: You can design your gift to align with your financial goals and charitable intentions.
  • Legacy: Your support helps ensure that the Access to Justice Campaign can continue to make a difference in the community for years to come.

Types of Planned Gifts


A bequest is a gift made through a donor’s estate plan and realized upon the donor’s death. A bequest can be made through a donor’s will or trust, and can be for a specific amount, a percentage, or for a portion or remaining balance of the proceeds of an estate. Bequests gifting a specific asset are subject to the policies controlling acceptance of that particular type of gift. The donor remains in control of the asset(s) during their lifetime. The amount of the gift to the ATJ Campaign is not subject to federal estate tax upon the donor’s death, and the estate is reduced by the gifted amount.

Sample Bequest Language:

  • I give and devise to the Michigan State Bar Foundation, Access to Justice Fund (Tax ID 38-1459016), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Lansing, Michigan
    • (a) the sum of $XXXXX; or
    • (b) an amount equal to X% of the net value of my estate; or
    • (c) all or X% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.

Retirement Account Beneficiary Designations

By naming the Access to Justice Campaign as the beneficiary of your retirement account, such as an IRA or 401(k), you can make a significant impact. This type of gift can help avoid potential estate taxes and ensures your retirement assets support a cause you value.  To make a current gift, you can see more information about Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA here.

Other Planned Gifts

For information about other types of planned gifts or to discuss how you can create a lasting legacy, please contact atjfund@msbf.org or (517) 346-6400.

Contributions to the ATJ Fund are received and administered by the Michigan State Bar Foundation according to the Access to Justice Fund guidelines.